In a huge submarine canyon in California's Monterey Bay, there is an illuminating twilight zone. It is a world of countless exotic creatures, including sparkling jellyfish and deep sea fish that give off flashes. Using an ultra-high sensitivity 4K camera specifically developed for deep sea filming, together with experts in the field, Lights in the Abyss captures bioluminescent ...
浣熊市曾是蓬勃发展的制药巨头——伞公司(Umbrella Corporation)的总部所在地,现在却是一个死气沉沉的中西部小镇。 该公司的大撤离使这座城市变成了一片荒地,地下蕴藏着巨大的邪恶。 当邪恶被释放时,镇上的人们将永远改变,一小群幸存者必须共同努力,揭开保护伞背后的真相,并度过夜晚。