In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it. Investigative journalist Rae de Leon has discovered a startling pattern in rape cases in the United States. Namely, that women who have reported a sexual assault are suspected of lying by the police. First they are accused...
富豪洪飞虎(古天乐 饰)因怪病找到峨嵋派掌门王凤(郑秀文 饰),她对飞虎的生性傲慢毫无好感,于是用尽各种奇怪的方法治疗飞虎。王凤的师姐李莫愁(李冰冰 饰)突然出现,并扬言要铲除峨嵋派。未免伤及无辜,王凤尽快医好了飞虎。知道了王凤的恶作剧之后,飞虎愤然离开了。 为了与师姐决战,王凤急需练好“伤心断肠剑”,但从未经历伤心之苦的她 无法领悟“百年好合”这一招式的要领,王凤在众人的劝说下决定求助与飞虎。飞虎不计前嫌,用尽办法让王凤伤心,练好招式。王凤又能否成功?