开局穿越《狂飙》,并选择系统奖励:黄翠翠的录音笔; 匹夫无罪,怀璧其罪;这笔用好了,登峰造极;用不好,则会招致祸端! 运筹帷幄,决胜千里,看我如何设局
Samurai Castles The Kumamoto Castle from the 17th century was heavily damaged by a series of powerful earthquakes, but the oldest sections of stonewalls miraculously survived and avoided major damage, while newer walls all collapsed. A 3D model created from 4K drone shots unveils the wisdom of samurai warriors.
Carter (Thomas Jane), a troubled veteran who gets a chance at redemption by protecting a 12 year-old girl from an assassin after she witnesses a murder. Holding a shotgun with a single shell, he engages in physical and psychological warfare in a desperate fight for the girl's life.
一群年轻人相约去野外郊游,他们在车上听着摇滚乐,肆意地享受着青春的快乐。然而,中途汽车爆胎,他们不得不开始徒步旅行,奔向那年久失修的攀岩圣地。两对恋人和一个单身汉用一张合影记录这个时刻,然而前方的路却不太平坦,处处危机四伏。他们来到了一个峡谷,两边都是悬崖峭壁,这种迷失 的感觉,让他们有些沮丧。不过,领头人安东(贾斯汀?布朗卡特 Justin Blanckaert 饰)显然更加乐观,他尝试着用攀岩的方法度过危机,于是其他人也跟随前往,5个人在高空中相互配合,并肩作战。不过,正当他们准备凭借自己搭建的索道穿越峡谷的时候,领头人(安东贾斯汀?布朗卡特 Justin Blanckaert 饰)却掉队了。为了寻找同伴,他们不得不在这里过夜,但是黑暗中却有一只邪恶的手正在伸向这群年轻人……