周满秀(玄彬 饰)的母亲患有阿兹海默症,靠着在理发店打工获得的微薄收入,周满秀艰难的维系着和母亲一起相依为命的生活。周满秀的哥哥是个一掷千金的赌徒,每当囊中羞涩之时,他都会找到弟弟,伸手要钱,而善良的周满秀即便是四处筹借,也要满足哥哥的要求。 一场意外让周满秀发了疯,被送入了精神病院,在这里,周满秀是自己所创造的世界里的百万富翁。照顾周满秀的是一位名叫秀景(李宝英 饰)的护士,她的身世也十分可怜,父亲身患重病,家中负债累累。随着时间的推移,周满秀终于渐渐走出了自己编织的幻境,开始接受医生的治疗,只是,活在现实之中,真的会比活在幻想之中要幸福吗?
Brief Meetings is about a love triangle between three very different people. Nadia, a country girl, falls in love with Maskim, a roaming guitar playing geologist, and in her search for him she ends up working for Valentina, his long-distance, bureaucrat wife. Nadia begins to work as a maid for Valentina, but as they spend time together they have flashbacks to their brief meetin...