在美国生活的某个富裕家庭身上持续发生奇怪的超自然现象,因此他们请来了在巫师之中著名的年轻巫师花林(金高银 饰)和奉吉(李到晛 饰)。 花林和奉吉到达那个地方后救助了刚刚出生的婴儿,明白了他们祖先黑暗的影子正在降临于那家人身上的事实。 花林和奉吉持续调查,为了驱除祖先向最棒的风水师尚德(崔岷植 饰)和入殓师荣根(柳海真 饰)请求帮助。惊讶的是那块墓地在韩国的某个偏僻村庄的阴凉之处被发现,最终进行破墓。但是破墓的同时,坟墓下方的不吉之气开始爆发……
Jeff Huang, takes the road less traveled for leaving behind a lucrative job in finance to become a Mixed Martial Artist at the age of 33. When life doesn't go according to the plan, will Jeff waver in the path he's chosen?
Carter (Thomas Jane), a troubled veteran who gets a chance at redemption by protecting a 12 year-old girl from an assassin after she witnesses a murder. Holding a shotgun with a single shell, he engages in physical and psychological warfare in a desperate fight for the girl's life.
A group of military elite from the U.S., Russia, UK, China and France join forces to fight an elite underground terrorist network.
《台北故宫》涉及历史和当代,重在展现中国上下五千年来人类文明的发展,以及历史文化的流迁。台北故宫保存着中国历代帝王数百年来苦心积聚的千年艺术珍宝,是整个中华民族五千年文明史的缩影。 《台北故宫》告诉给你的不仅仅是一些故事,一些情感,还有一声感叹和很多的期待。