Charles Burnett, one of America's most highly regarded independent filmmakers, wrote and directed this domestic drama about a black middle-class family living in South central Los Angeles. However, there are no gangs, no guns, no drugs but instead a lyrical story that draws on folklore and the supernatural. family tensions are already simmering when Harry (Danny Glover) arrives...
Cynthia and Mary show up to collect Cynthia's inheritance from her deceased grandfather, the only item she's received is an antique sword that was believed by her grandfather to be proof that the South won the Civil War.
Max, a 12-year-old entrepreneur is forced to close his business operated from his garage and move with his father to a remote village in the countryside. When Max discovers chickens in the old, abandoned barn of his cousin Charles, he sees an opportunity to start a business. The two acolytes join forces with Alice, a young YouTuber known for her market gardening videos, and emb...
改编自铃木隆的同名小说。 冈山中学的南部麟六(高桥英树 饰)是一名沉默寡言的男生,他默默暗恋着同住一个屋檐下的清纯少女道子(浅野顺子 饰)。某天麟六教训了侮辱道子的高年级学生,其实力被本校打架高手甲鱼(川津祐介 饰)相中,故向打架传授大家技巧。经甲鱼介绍,麟六加入了由泽庵(片冈光雄 饰)领导的冈山中学最大暴力团——OSMS团。凭借过人的实力,麟六很快成为该团的副团长。 然而对道子的感情迟迟无法说出口,以及团内矛盾日益积累,麟六最终离开冈山,转入若松的西多方中学。但他作为不良少年的名号早已声名远播,身边的麻烦只会越聚越多……
腊月二十三,农历小年。积雪覆盖下的雪乡村开始在皑皑的白雪中贴“福”字、挂灯笼、蒸豆包、做年糕,用山村人传统的风俗迎接着又一个农历新年的到来。一大早,乡亲们把新摘下来的蘑菇装好车,准备拉到城里卖一个好价钱,顺便再置办一些年货。然而,当乡亲们拉着蘑菇,满怀喜悦的来到城里时,签有收购合同的鸿运公司却借故质量不合格压价收购,让乡亲们窝着一肚子闷气,扫兴而归。 蘑菇没卖出去,乡亲们把老支书围在村委会欲罢不能。也难怪,种蘑菇是老支书发起的,合同是老支书签的,鸿运公司老板蔡宝华又是老支书的外甥媳妇,如今都到年根儿了,谁家都盼着蘑菇能卖个好价钱,换点现钱过个好年。听说老支书被乡亲们围在了村委会,刚刚逮空回趟家的新任村支书柱子还没来得及喝口热水,就从家里冲了出来,直奔村委会。柱子一来,老支书的围是解了,但乡亲们心头的气还没消。 稍稍把乡亲们的情绪稳定下来后,柱子准备进...