A fracking horror story, "Unearth" follows two neighboring farm families whose relationships are strained when one of them chooses to lease their land to an oil and gas company. In the midst of growing tension, the land is drilled, and something long dormant and terrifying, deep beneath the earth's surface is released. "Unearth" is about the horrifying repercussions sown by sho...
A24、DirecTV购得[潦倒岁月](Dog Years,暂译)北美发行权。影片在今年翠贝卡电影节首映。该片由亚当·莱福金([捕鼠记]编剧)自编自导,主演伯特·雷诺兹、阿芮尔·温特。今年81岁的伯特·雷诺兹在片中饰男主角维克,一位昔日大红大紫的电影明星,如今“年老色衰”的维克不得不正视现实的窘境。