Félix, disguised as Father Christmas, hands out leaflets advertising a sexy Christmas party. His place is taken by an African Santa Claus and he returns to his caravan only to find his girlfriend Josette about to leave him. When he comes after her, she takes refuge at "SOS Distress", run by two neurotics, Thérèse and Pierre.
第32集《吹口哨的寅次郎》(Tora San goes religious?) 导演:山田洋次 原著:山田洋次 剧本:山田洋次、朝间义隆 主演:渥美清、倍赏千惠子、竹下景子 制作:松竹影业 出版日期:1983年12月28日 片长:105分钟 票房:148万人 剧情 阿寅在阿博的故乡逗留期间为阿博的父亲扫墓,住在莲台寺师父那里。师父的女儿朋子离婚后住在寺里照顾父亲,阿寅来到后,不仅给她带来了欢乐,他还替师父去做法事,获得了不错的评价。师父的儿子伊道迷恋摄影,放弃了学业去东京奋斗。恋人广美舍不得他离开,阿寅用自己的例子使她明白,这是男孩子成熟的标志,是他对生活方式选择的自觉。 师父希望阿寅做自己的女婿,还可以继承他的一切,料理寺院事务。他与女儿的一番话被阿寅无意中听到了。 为阿博父亲的法事活动由阿寅主持,这使远道而来的樱花夫妇大为惊奇。随后,阿寅又试图皈...
A dirty campaign forces movie star Marvin to flee from reporters and fans. Coincidentally, he immerses himself in the cosmos of the feminist/queer off-theatre 3000. Its boss Frieda is not at all enthusiastic about the superstar at first .