Félix, disguised as Father Christmas, hands out leaflets advertising a sexy Christmas party. His place is taken by an African Santa Claus and he returns to his caravan only to find his girlfriend Josette about to leave him. When he comes after her, she takes refuge at "SOS Distress", run by two neurotics, Thérèse and Pierre.
吴亚秋(吴耀汉 饰)和贝多芬(岑建勋 饰)是香港警署反黑组一对活宝警员,这对师兄弟吊儿郎当,不务正业,入行十多年还是初级警员。好在他们生性乐观,加上陈sir(陈欣建 饰)对二人多有照顾,因此他们倒也十分享受这样的逍遥生活。所谓傻人有傻福,亚秋阴差阳错还得到陈sir的女秘书安娜﹝叶德娴 饰﹞的垂青。 他们受命调查从事不法勾当而暴富的商人夏正毅(陈龙 饰),只是对方分外狡猾,不露出任何马脚。夏的情妇掌握他各种犯罪勾当的账本,并以此作要挟。夏命手下杀害情妇,而亚秋和贝多芬则成为了尸体的最先发现者。夏正毅为了得到账本,于是向情妇的表妹伸出毒手,亚秋和贝多芬能否将罪犯绳之于法?
A dirty campaign forces movie star Marvin to flee from reporters and fans. Coincidentally, he immerses himself in the cosmos of the feminist/queer off-theatre 3000. Its boss Frieda is not at all enthusiastic about the superstar at first .