提姆(杰夫丹尼尔 饰演)是个很有企图心的电视新闻记者,可是他却得不到老板的赏识,某次回家的路上,竟遇上火星人的太空船撞上地球!转化地球人外观的火星人马汀,为了修复太空船,只好找上提姆,提姆与马汀相处越久,越发觉它其实是个善良的外星人,但因为马汀的行为怪异,不知不觉被太空研究中心小组成员盯上了……
Madhav, an introverted software employee who gets compelled to meet 3 brides of alliances arranged by a marriage bureau run by Jayamma. Bhanumati, daughter of Jayamma, a happy, go-lucky girl had to accompany Madhav in meeting his set alliances. In the journey, they find love in each other, yet, they don't express it. The story takes new turns with each alliance they meet.