改编自维克多.雨果(Victor Hugo)小说"笑面人(L'Homme qui rit,1869)"。 主人公格温普兰是贵族后裔,从小落入人贩子之手,被毁容摧残,脸上始终像在怪笑。好心的江湖艺人于苏斯把他收为义子,并把格温普兰从雪地上救起的盲姑娘蒂也收养了下来。他们几个四海飘泊,靠卖艺为生。后来由于偶然的因素和英国政坛的需要,格温普兰得以重获爵位,但他拒绝了这一肮脏的恩赐,宁愿回到他的患难伙伴那里;这时蒂已身患重病。在盲姑娘离开人世后,格温普兰悲痛万分,投海自杀。
Sheng Wang delivers a laid-back set on juicing, mammograms, how snoring is an evolutionary mistake and the existential angst of buying pants from Costco.
Vir Das dives deep into his childhood in India, the perils of outrage and finding his feet in the world for his fourth Netflix stand-up special