When two siblings return to their childhood home, they are confronted by a violent, supernatural presence that dwells deep within their worst traumas.
On Christmas Eve, a scorn widow casts an ancient spell to resurrect her executed husband. However, when the spell goes wrong, the husband is brought back as an evil Christmas tree. Hell-bent on getting revenge on the one who caused his execution, the body count keeps rising as the tree hunts her down. Can anyone stop this killer Christmas tree before he gets to his target?
阳光明媚的日子里,约翰(丹尼尔·佐瓦特 Daniel Zovatto 饰)和凯蒂(邦妮·戴尼森 Bonnie Dennison 饰)、麦特(克里斯·克罗伊 Chris Conroy 饰)、齐克(格里芬·纽曼 Griffin Newman 饰)、西蒙(约翰尼·奥希尼 Jonny Orsini 饰)和黛比(Mackenzie Rosman 饰)等五名好友,驱车来到一个毗邻湖边的僻静所在进行他们毕业前的纪念派对。他们划着小船来到湖中央,曾经有着恐怖记忆的约翰对这片水域颇多忌惮,但是他胆大妄为的伙伴们则竞相跳入水中,享受戏水的快乐时光。谁知好景不长,先是小船遭到猛烈碰撞,接着黛比被一条怪鱼咬伤致死。 年轻人的噩梦由此展开,他们的磨难还未就此结束,嗜血猎手渐次向他们逼近……
电视台导演洛俊(曾国祥 饰)热衷于拍摄灵异节目,但是节目收视率太低,面临被砍的命运,而他和女友、好哥们欧阳维邦(尹子维 饰)的关系也进入冰河时期。借酒浇愁的洛俊在深夜驾车狂飙,结果在寂静无人的树林出了车祸。就在此时,他听到呼救声,继而看到一名孕妇坐在树旁。他帮助孕妇抱起刚出生不久的婴儿,接着却发现孕妇早已被人割断喉咙没了呼吸。报警后逃离现场的洛俊,自此后却被孕妇女鬼傅颖思(唐宁 饰)跟上。女鬼感谢他的帮助,希望洛俊能够抚养嗷嗷待哺的孩子,并承诺报答他的恩情。 在此之后,洛俊利用女鬼做出极为逼真的灵异节目“生死一线”,一切都发生了变化……