aired on HBO from 12 March 2006 to 10 June 2007
Martin drives Louisa and their baby son back to her house in Portwenn,where the locals bring them presents. Diana Dibbs, Martin's nervous replacement,has already arrived,with her husband Gavin as her receptionist but Martin is not impressed by her competence - especially as she seems to have numerous ailments herself. Then he learns that Joan has died,causing him to stay for a ...
《离亲叛众》改编自萨迪·琼斯(Sadie Jones)的同名小说。这部小说是萨迪·琼斯的出道作品,一出版即深获好评,在文坛上获奖无数,版权销售21国,英美热卖过100万,蝉联纽约时报,泰晤士报各大畅销书榜。本次BBC改编版迷你剧由萨迪·琼斯本人撰写剧本,让小说和影像化作品实现了完美的过渡。从小的时候开始,刘易斯的父亲就在战场征战,他从小跟母亲一起生活成长。7岁那年,父亲从战场回来,一家团聚,但刘易斯的母亲却在一次野餐中意外溺水身亡。没过多久,父亲就与一名年轻女子再婚,而刘易斯却一直到成年都没有走出母亲离去的阴影。他叛逆,自虐,甚至违反法律,孤独的内心一直得不到温暖。在跌跌撞撞之中,刘易斯寻觅着生存的意义。@Hyperay