It's Halloween 1965 in Hollywood and is also the last day that a drive in which the hang out of some youths who call themselves the Hollywood Knights will be open. It is being closed because most of the local snobs don't like them so they decided to close the drive in to get rid of them. Now the Knights decide to lash back at those who were responsible. And they try to make the...
盲人刘玲玉被渔霸金老板的儿子金宝捉弄,三毛见义勇为救了刘玲玉,也因此惹怒了小胖子金宝。金宝临走时,发誓回家要老爸把三毛“抽筋剥皮丢到黄浦江里!”刘玲玉感谢三毛,把他带回了家。 刘玲玉有个师兄张铁嘴,在城隍庙开了个“张铁嘴命相馆”。张铁嘴人聪明、活络,经常在生活上照顾刘玲玉,彼此之间感情甚笃,却一直遭到刘母的反对。 日久月累,三毛对刘家有了深厚的感情,成了刘玲玉不可缺少的“眼睛”,刘玲玉把三毛当知己,三毛也愿意为刘玲玉和张铁嘴的终生大事暗中跑腿,并为此常受到刘母的责备。在来来往往的过程中三毛认识了金老板家的小佣人冬冬。 冬冬在金老板家饱受虐待,令三毛“同病相怜”。为了救冬冬,也为刘玲玉和张铁嘴终结良缘,三毛拜张铁嘴为师,同时认识了人称“诸葛仙人”的“师父爷”张铁灵。 三毛随师父学会做人,不但知道“算命是迷信、骗人,也是穷苦人家盲人为了活命的一条生路”,...