这部黑色喜剧开始于Louisa Foster向美国国税局捐献了数百万美元,税务部门认为她疯了,将她送去精神科医生那里,她和医生讨论了她的四次婚姻,每一次他的丈夫都离奇的变富,然后很早死去......
49岁的Nicole(Karin Viard饰)怀孕了,这到底是好事还是坏事?全家上下都乱套了......
Madhav, an introverted software employee who gets compelled to meet 3 brides of alliances arranged by a marriage bureau run by Jayamma. Bhanumati, daughter of Jayamma, a happy, go-lucky girl had to accompany Madhav in meeting his set alliances. In the journey, they find love in each other, yet, they don't express it. The story takes new turns with each alliance they meet.