The general manager at a highway-side ''sports bar with curves" has her incurable optimism and faith, in her girls, her customers, and herself, tested over the course of a long, strange day.
连续六次恋爱都只留下苦涩感的恩珍(姜艺媛饰)声称自己再也不会恋爱了,但这时候在他面前却偏偏出现了一个无比单纯的浪漫男人贤锡(宋清晨饰),因为他的出现,让恩珍再次动了恋爱的念头。 这个男人,从来不说爱我...! 因为新的每一天都是幸福的,恩珍把过去的伤痛和虚无恋爱都统统抛诸脑后,但就在和贤锡结婚的前夕,因为他从来没说过一句“我爱你”而让恩珍又陷入不安中。 这个男人,知道得越多越不简单...?! 恩珍无疑中看到贤锡的手机来了一条不明来历女子的短信,不想第七次爱情都失败告终的她决定跟踪他,于是发现了他一连串无法让人相信的秘密...
It's Halloween 1965 in Hollywood and is also the last day that a drive in which the hang out of some youths who call themselves the Hollywood Knights will be open. It is being closed because most of the local snobs don't like them so they decided to close the drive in to get rid of them. Now the Knights decide to lash back at those who were responsible. And they try to make the...
青年编剧尚镇从首尔来到了一个地处大山深处的偏僻小镇,他有朋友在当地经营了家庭旅馆,尚镇计划在此完成他的剧本工作。人生地不熟的所在,尚镇小心翼翼避开周围充满敌意和挑衅的目光,不敢轻易造次。在车站他遇到一个有过前科的青年,对方表现出了过度的热情为他指路,令尚镇浑身不自在又却之不能。好不容易到达目的地,但是接二连三的不速之客始终让他无法静下心写作。目光凶狠锐利的猎人,四个不知好歹的年轻人以及再度见面的热情青年,都让尚镇心烦不已。 谁知夜幕降临,突如其来的肃杀宁静背后竟藏着血腥无情的恐怖杀戮……
49岁的Nicole(Karin Viard饰)怀孕了,这到底是好事还是坏事?全家上下都乱套了......