当前共同主持人杰克·埃弗雷特(JakeEverett)回到广受欢迎的电视早间节目主持人娜奥米·斯宾塞(Naomi Spencer)的职业生活中时,该节目的成功突飞猛进,但娜奥米的个人生活开始崩溃。
女演员原濑京子(酒井法子饰)和她的未婚夫石仓将志在回家的路上发生了一起车祸。自此,将志失去了意识陷入了昏迷,京子也不幸流产。但是过不久,京子仍然感觉不适,于是再去检查,竟然被告知腹中的孩子仍然正常存在! 在电视台担任报道员的三浦朋香(新山千春饰),每天晚上总是在自己的公寓里听到奇怪令人害怕的声音,于是她把男友山下典孝(堀江庆饰)叫来寻找原因。 剧组的拍摄依然在继续,但是奇怪的事情接二连三的发生,剧组人员的先后失踪或是时常让大家惶惶不安……
On Christmas Eve, a scorn widow casts an ancient spell to resurrect her executed husband. However, when the spell goes wrong, the husband is brought back as an evil Christmas tree. Hell-bent on getting revenge on the one who caused his execution, the body count keeps rising as the tree hunts her down. Can anyone stop this killer Christmas tree before he gets to his target?