Samurai Castles The Kumamoto Castle from the 17th century was heavily damaged by a series of powerful earthquakes, but the oldest sections of stonewalls miraculously survived and avoided major damage, while newer walls all collapsed. A 3D model created from 4K drone shots unveils the wisdom of samurai warriors.
A group of military elite from the U.S., Russia, UK, China and France join forces to fight an elite underground terrorist network.
In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it. Investigative journalist Rae de Leon has discovered a startling pattern in rape cases in the United States. Namely, that women who have reported a sexual assault are suspected of lying by the police. First they are accused...
著名英国美食家Rick Stein这一次来到了上海,他在品尝地道上海菜的同时,还身体力行,走进渔村、老城区、海鲜市场,以一个英国人的视角,领略并解读了他眼中的上海文化。
18世纪初,朝鲜李氏王朝正值英祖(宋康昊 饰)在位时期。英祖舐犊情深,在长子早逝后,他全部希望寄托在次子李愃(刘亚仁 饰)身上。不仅在他刚出生之际就册封为世子,更为其安排名臣督导功课。然而天不遂人意,世子耽于玩乐,无心学业,英祖一度提拔世子代理国政,可却使这对站在权力顶峰的父子渐行渐远。在一个瓢泼雨夜,世子杖刀闯入王宫。次日,他因意图谋反而遭到英祖的训斥,并被锁入米柜之中。在接下来的八日里,这对形同寇仇的父子各自回忆起过往的种种。 也许翻为平民父子更好,王宫内院最残酷的竟发生在最亲近人的中间……