The 12th Suspect is a full-length feature film directed by KO Myoungsung, who also directed a documentary titled Good Bye (2009) about Korean immigrants living in Japan who went to North Korea. Set in a teahouse in Myeong-dong, Seoul right after the end of the Korean War, The 12th Suspect follows the suffocating psychological showdown that takes place between a detective and the 11 suspects who find themselves caught up in a murder case. The tight narrative between the characters and the enthusiastic performances of Kim Sangkyung, Heo Sungtae, Park Sunyoung, Kim Dongyoung, and the other actors prevent the film from falling into a monotony that could potentially be caused by a limited space like a teahouse. Through symbolic spaces such as the Korean War, Myeong-dong, and Namsan, the film attempts to take a look at the dark foundation of the modern history of Korea which has been carried forth through liberation, the Korean War, and division.
第12名嫌犯是柯明成执导的长篇故事片,柯明成还执导了一部名为《再见(2009)》的纪录片,讲述了居住在日本、前往朝鲜的朝鲜移民。以朝鲜战争结束后首尔明洞的一家茶馆为背景,第12名嫌犯在一名侦探和11名发现自己卷入谋杀案的嫌犯之间进行了令人窒息的心理决战。角色之间的紧密叙述和金圣京、何成泰、朴善永、金东永等演员的热情表演,防止了影片陷入单调,而这种单调可能是由茶馆等有限空间造成的。通过象征性的空间,如朝鲜战争,Myeong dong,和Namsan,电影试图看在黑暗的基础上的现代韩国历史,这是通过解放,朝鲜战争和分裂。
《第十二个嫌疑犯》是一部“剧情片”类型的电影,该片/剧目前在本站共有 11 条播放线路,由 7 家资源方提供。喜欢全年影视请分享给身边的亲人和朋友,全年影视包揽你一整年的视听盛宴!