Back in the USSR is a 1992 American thriller film directed by Deran Sarafian and starring Frank Whaley, Natalya Negoda and Roman Polanski. The film is set in Moscow during the last years of the Soviet Union, with Gorbachev's glasnost and perestroika in full swing. Archer Sloan, a young American student from Chicago arrives hoping to sample the delights of Moscow, but runs into a number of people interested in stolen art works.
《飞越北极星》是一部“恐怖片”类型的电影,该片/剧目前在本站共有 2 条播放线路,由 1 家资源方提供。喜欢全年影视请分享给身边的亲人和朋友,全年影视包揽你一整年的视听盛宴!