玉仪(汪明荃 饰)与老公耀冠结婚多年,育有三个儿子:天泽(莫家尧 饰)、天恩(马德钟 饰)和天平(黄家乐 饰),一家人本来生活安稳,不料玉仪的孪生姐姐碧仪(汪明荃 饰)的出现却给这个宁静带来了波浪。原来,玉仪品性纯良,对丈夫千依百顺,对儿子也是从不打骂,是外人眼中贤良淑德的好媳妇、疼爱子女的好母亲。碧仪却是一个终身为事业奋斗的女强人,事业有成却依然单身的她特地来港看完她唯一的亲人妹妹玉仪一家。碧仪看到玉仪在家全无半点威严,觉得有失女性身份,于是为妹妹出头,决定对家里的四个男人进行军训式的再教育行动,一场场搞笑风波亦由此而起。
Martin drives Louisa and their baby son back to her house in Portwenn,where the locals bring them presents. Diana Dibbs, Martin's nervous replacement,has already arrived,with her husband Gavin as her receptionist but Martin is not impressed by her competence - especially as she seems to have numerous ailments herself. Then he learns that Joan has died,causing him to stay for a ...