Trapped inside his car by a mudslide, smooth talking Jackson Alder suddenly finds himself in a situation he can't talk his way out of. With no hope of rescue, he must defy the odds; battling Mother Nature for his survival.
In a huge submarine canyon in California's Monterey Bay, there is an illuminating twilight zone. It is a world of countless exotic creatures, including sparkling jellyfish and deep sea fish that give off flashes. Using an ultra-high sensitivity 4K camera specifically developed for deep sea filming, together with experts in the field, Lights in the Abyss captures bioluminescent ...
In-depth examination of the dark side of an American justice system where women who report sexual assault are instead charged with perjury and jailed for it. Investigative journalist Rae de Leon has discovered a startling pattern in rape cases in the United States. Namely, that women who have reported a sexual assault are suspected of lying by the police. First they are accused...
本片是一部关于爱情记忆的影片,透过“日全食”这一天文现象将四段爱情集结:一次偶然的机会,素贤(李延熙 饰)暗恋师兄京宇(郑日宇 饰)重逢,在校友聚会上,她主动对心上人展开了攻势,但结果却不如意;地铁司机世镇(甘宇成 饰)爱上了女乘客珠媛(崔江姬 饰),但他总觉得女友患有妄想症。当她因故缺席自己生日会后,他才真正理解她爱的方式;广告公司女强人秀晶(林晶恩 饰)爱上了大自己12岁的师兄正锡(柳成龙 饰),但是这段办公室恋情却遭遇难题,原来正锡始终难以忘怀亡妻,而孩子则成了他酗酒之外的唯一安慰。她开始接近他,一切却变得异常艰难;一个呼吁免费拥抱运动的流浪汉振万(严泰雄 饰),为了5年前对女友的承诺回到汉城,但他需要面对物是人非的现实。