改编自维克多.雨果(Victor Hugo)小说"笑面人(L'Homme qui rit,1869)"。 主人公格温普兰是贵族后裔,从小落入人贩子之手,被毁容摧残,脸上始终像在怪笑。好心的江湖艺人于苏斯把他收为义子,并把格温普兰从雪地上救起的盲姑娘蒂也收养了下来。他们几个四海飘泊,靠卖艺为生。后来由于偶然的因素和英国政坛的需要,格温普兰得以重获爵位,但他拒绝了这一肮脏的恩赐,宁愿回到他的患难伙伴那里;这时蒂已身患重病。在盲姑娘离开人世后,格温普兰悲痛万分,投海自杀。
Charles Burnett, one of America's most highly regarded independent filmmakers, wrote and directed this domestic drama about a black middle-class family living in South central Los Angeles. However, there are no gangs, no guns, no drugs but instead a lyrical story that draws on folklore and the supernatural. family tensions are already simmering when Harry (Danny Glover) arrives...
Brief Meetings is about a love triangle between three very different people. Nadia, a country girl, falls in love with Maskim, a roaming guitar playing geologist, and in her search for him she ends up working for Valentina, his long-distance, bureaucrat wife. Nadia begins to work as a maid for Valentina, but as they spend time together they have flashbacks to their brief meetin...
梁山好汉受招安后被朝廷派去征辽、 征方腊,梁山好汉死伤离散,清明时 节蒋敬到梁山凭吊,却遭到高俅派出的 杀手追杀,一路逃到边陲小镇的客栈 里,在老板娘的帮助下,蒋敬利用智 谋,从马贼、捕快和杀手的包围中逃 出。