柳氏经营的百年老店“同顺祥”,世代传承独有的冰晶糕制作工艺,父亲柳庭深(张国立 饰)却一直不肯将制作秘方传给儿子柳见三(韩庚 饰),父子之间产生误解和隔阂。见三气愤之下选择离开父亲外出拼搏,多年后,因父亲病重回家探望的见三,终于发现父亲隐藏多年的秘密原来和自己有关……
"60 Day In" offers an unprecedented look at life behind bars at Indiana's Clark County Jail as seven innocent volunteers are sent to live among its general population for 60 days without fellow inmates or staff knowing their secret.
An exclusive and immersive documentary that offers a unique behind-the-scenes look at the filming of the new chapter, "And Just Like That..."