“睡眠”是一个容量极大的概念,占据了人类很长的生命部分,既是一种生理需求,也是一种文化构建,而在今天压力重重的社会,人们正遭遇着睡眠危机。 《追眠记》是由云集将来制作出品的中国首个关注国人睡眠状况及背后社会问题的系列纪录片,通过历史地理、社会观察、科学实验的角度,讲述睡眠的故事。
In a huge submarine canyon in California's Monterey Bay, there is an illuminating twilight zone. It is a world of countless exotic creatures, including sparkling jellyfish and deep sea fish that give off flashes. Using an ultra-high sensitivity 4K camera specifically developed for deep sea filming, together with experts in the field, Lights in the Abyss captures bioluminescent ...
著名英国美食家Rick Stein这一次来到了上海,他在品尝地道上海菜的同时,还身体力行,走进渔村、老城区、海鲜市场,以一个英国人的视角,领略并解读了他眼中的上海文化。