A strange man comes into a house with only the wife. He says he'll leave after a shower and a meal, but his actions are exactly like the husband's. What has happened? He says that he learned everything from a friend he knows... A woman who is taking rice cakes around is held hostage with the wife. The man gets drunk and reveals the truth about her husband. The wife feels more s...
美丽的女孩素妍(朴敏英 饰)多年来一直为幽闭恐惧症所困扰,只要待在密闭的空间里,她就会感受到莫大的压抑与恐怖。好在可爱顽皮的小动物抚慰了她脆弱的心灵,如今的素妍在一家宠物店担任动物化妆师,生活平淡而快乐。但是她的生活很快被一场意外所打破,她的一名客人在离开不久后便死在电梯内,素妍只得暂时帮她照料宠物猫小布。也就从这一刻起,她经常能够看到面容阴森、无处不在的短发小女孩。她的精神几近崩溃,而怪事却愈演愈烈,最终连她的好朋友宝姬也无端惨死。 素妍隐约感到迄今所发生的一切恐怖事件,都与神秘的小布有关……